Hi, my name is Michal.

I'm a Full Stack developer,
and I love building intuitive UI-s in JavaScript.I'm a Founders and Coders graduate.
I value accessible, maintainable, and tested code.
I never get tired chatting about UX, data architecture, and better practices.
I enjoy turning an idea into a long lasting project, and constantly learning.

Michal Weisman's avatar picture


Hangman Game

Guess the movie using ReactJS

Hangman game to guess the film using ReactJS and MovieDB api


Match patients with NHS clinical
          trials using ReactJS

Uses ReactJS and REST api to match cancer patients with NHS clinical trials

Github User Finder

Sort Github profiles with ReactJS

Uses ReactJS, REST, Github api, Jest to display and sort Github users

Sports & Rec

Find and share sports events around London

Uses Handlebars.js and Express.js to find and share sport events around London

Coding Logbook

Log coding references and TIL notes

Uses ReactJS, MongoDB, and Express.js to log and view coding notes

Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe project screenshot

A ReactJS Tic Tac Toe game for two players with adjustable game history

Recently updated projects


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